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Boat models

Jakobstads båtvarv has some standard models to offer and we can also custom build the boat of your dreams. The yard stands for quality craftsmanship. An important part of the process is the contact with the client, regarding the material alternatives choices, equipment etc. A wooden boat is probably the most ecological choice if you decide to get a new boat .  


We offer rowing boats, dinghies & daysailers and motorboats. Our boats are carvel built with glued planking seams which gives the hull more stiffness and makes it  easier to maintain. We strive for a practical and elegant design as well as beautiful craftsmanship. 

Nordwind 20

Nordwind 20  is a classic daysailer designed by Lage Sundfors. It’s relatively wide and flat under the waterline, so it is stable and easy to move around in. The boat is course stable and a peaceful sailor meant for archipelago, coastal and lake sailing. You can sail her single-handed as well as with 4 people onboard.


The boat can be rowed or equipped with an electric pod-motor. If the boat is equipped with a sprayhood/ tent it’s even possible to stay overnight onboard. Going to a shore or to put the boat on a trailer for towing is easy because of the centerboard and the lifting rudder blade. The mast is also possible to be built as hinged for easy rigging. The boat is carvel built with glued planks of Finnish red pine . Other kinds of wood can also be used on customer’s request.

LOA 6,15 m •Draught 0,25m/1,05m Displ. 0,5 ton • Sail area 15 m²

Trullö 600

Trullö 600  is a classic modell that can be built as motorboat or as a sailboat, with an inboard or an outboard engine and also with electric propulsion.


She`s a neat, practical and stabel leisure boat that can be built open or with deck. Rig types can be sprit, gaff or bermuda. The hull is built in pine wood, carvel built or modern glued clinker planking. 


The boat can be equippe

The boat can be equipped with  sprayhood/ tent.


Trullö 600 is designed by boat master Lage Sundfors.


  • LOA: 5,95m 

  • Beam: 2,05 m 

  • Draught: 0,45m

  • Sail area: 12,6m2

Archipelago sailer

Jan Backman has designed the Archipelago sailer 17` .

The design is inspired by archipelago boats from the Åland islands area. It is completely open, it sails well and is very seaworthy. The rig is simple and easily dismounted. A small outboard motor can be installed on the transom.


  • LOA: 5 m

  • Displ: 0,5 ton 

  • Sail area: 12 m²

JB day sailer 19´


The Jakobstad Båtvarv´s 19` daysailer is equipped with a centerboard and inboard engine. Its rig is of modern Gunther style with a ”Fat boy” main sail. Its centerboard and short, light mast makes it easily trailerable. The boat  can be also equipped with a quiet and reliable electrical inboard engine. The entire engine kit installation, including the 4,8 kWh battery pack is strategically placed around the centerboard trunk. The adjustable centerboard is made of stainless sheet steel and its weight coupled with that of the engine`s and the battery pack`s, gives the boat an excellent stability. This daysailer can be sailed single-handedly, while still being perfectly fit for carrying the whole family too.

  • LOA: 5,9 m

  • Beam: 1,9m 

  • Draught: 0,4/1,10m

  • Sail area: 17m²